Education au Développement Durable

Les étudiants de BTS SNIR2 vous encouragent à recycler vos objets electroniques 5

Par MAGALIE DAYNA, publié le vendredi 22 décembre 2023 18:56 - Mis à jour le vendredi 22 décembre 2023 18:56

Hello My name is Monkey D.LUFFY and I am currently studying computer science and networking.

I'm here to talk about the importance of recycling electronic devices.

Not only am I a regular user of electronic devices, and as such I feel concerned by the issue. But as a future technician, I also understand the need to move forward in the right direction.

First of all, the dumping of electric waste is dangerous for your health because they contain and release pollutants like heavy metals and toxic chemicals into the air, water and soil.


Secondly, humans generated the equivalent of 4 500 Eiffel Tower of electronics waste in a single years. So much waste is dangerous for the earth. We risk being buried by our electronic waste.


Finally, only 20% of electronic devices get collected and recycled. It is a shame because these devices contain rare earth materials that could be recycled instead of mining for new ones.

So Let's start recycling or die and you don't eat an apple anymore.




Hello my name is Baptiste I’m currently studying IT and today I’m going to talk to you about the importance of recycling electronic devices.

Not only am I a regular user of electronic devices, and as such I fell concerned by the issue. But, as future technician I also understand the need to move forward in the right direction.


First of all, to create electronic devices the manufacturers use lot of different element hard to mine like cobalt or lithium. These elements are mined in under developed country. For example, 58,2% of cobalt is extracted under-paid children in the Democratic Republic of Congo without any security protection. Recycling or reconditioning electronic devices would reduce the extraction of these elements and reduce children exploitation.


Secondly, if electronic devices are not recycled or reconditioned these devices are up burnt or buried under the earth. This solution rejects lot of carbon and pollutes the grounds.


Finally, the extraction of rare materiel uses toxic and radioactive products. Recycling or reconditioning would reduce rare material extraction and toxic or radioactive byproducts or waste.


To conclude, I am convinced that recycling electronic devices is of the utmost importance for the future of our planet.

Let’s start recycling or die buried under your waste!