Education au Développement Durable

Les étudiants de BTS SNIR2 vous encouragent à recycler vos objets electroniques 2

Par MAGALIE DAYNA, publié le vendredi 22 décembre 2023 18:50 - Mis à jour le vendredi 22 décembre 2023 18:50
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Good morning everyone, my name is Bloom Student in computer science, and today I wish to talk to you about a subject I hold dear to my heart, and that is the importance of recycling electronics.


To start things of, only 20% of our electronics are recycled, those electronics are mostly composed of rare earth materials and those same rare earth materials are quite hard or dangerous to get, but do you want to know what we do with the electronics we are not recycling? We dump them or burn them because it is more convenient for us to waste all of those resources than to recycle them.


And despite recycling 20% of our electronics, only 10% from our globally produced copper is reused. Pair that with the fact that no other materials have the same properties as copper for us to use in our electronics, this means that once our copper mines run dry, they will be dry, forever.

Last thing, did you know we still send children to the mines? Well now you do, and they are being sent so that we can get our precious minerals to power up our batteries or our phones or whatever in gruesome and tiresome conditions for only a pittance.


But despite all of those bleak and depressing facts, I believe we are able to change those numbers in our favor, of course I don’t mean to suddenly stop using and producing electronics or to just put a sudden to those mines and deal with unforeseen consequences. What I want everyone to do, including ourselves, is to start recycling whatever phone or tablet or TV, anything that you simply do not use anymore. Send them somewhere where they will be dealt with appropriately, and help us change those number to our favour. And all of that will start with you, so let’s do this!


Hello! I’m Thomas and I am currently studying computer sciences. Today I’m going to talk to you about recycling electronic devices. Not only an I a regular user of electronic devices and as such I feel concerned by the issue. But as a future technician, I also understand the need to move forward in the right direction.